Author Archive

Announcing Icebound!

Our first commercial project is Icebound, a visual novel set in a dark-fantasy world in the depths of an ice age.

Global Game Jam 2012, Day 3

The last day of the Game Jam was a bit more of a rough ride due to the crunch for time, and our group ran into some problems. Although the art assets were finished, loading them into the game itself proved to be a problem due to some naming confusion. Also, various programming delays caused

Global Game Jam 2012, Day 2

I managed to get in on the second day of down-to-business game development at the NYU Game Center in Manhattan, where I found one remaining group in need of a dedicated artist. The game idea is a simple touch-based mobile game with a lot of potential, now tentatively known as primOrdial. I teamed up with

The Caldwell Incident released!

The Caldwell Incident, a short adventure game created for the TIGSource Fall Folklore competition, has been released! It was created using RPG Maker for the one month deadline and is loosely based on a certain extra-terrestrial legend. Amateur sprite artist Varis V. contributed the Brownie Brown-esque art, and skilled musician Artem Bank composed the music.